L’Université McGill a tenu une « Lavender Graduation Ceremony » en l’honneur des étudiants LGBTQ +

Cette année, l'Université McGill a tenu sa première Lavender Graduation Ceremony - une cérémonie de remise des diplômes qui honore les étudiants de la communauté LGBTQ +.

Le journaliste Brendan Kelly s'est entretenu avec Michael David Miller, président du comité The Launch of the Rainbow:

“'I like the idea of highlighting students who may have had a more difficult time at university,' said Michael David Miller [...]. 'We do that with our First Nations students at McGill. It’s beautiful because they often experience a huge culture shock when they come to university.'"

"'LGBTQ students experience higher levels of sexual harassment on campuses and higher-than-average levels of sexual assault on campuses,' Miller said. 'Then if you just think of the struggles of accepting your identity, even in a country as open as Canada or city as open as Montreal, it’s still a very stressful time period.'”

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